Privacy policy


For all purposes, the parties agree on the following definitions:

(A) Company: Europarking.
B) Europarking Park, or only Park, managed by the company, open and closed with permanent surveillance 24 hours a day 365 days a year and with strict admission to third parties.
C) Client: Natural or legal person who will use the park under the conditions foreseen in this agreement.
D) Vehicle: A vehicle of which the client, in any legitimate way, holds the availability, not including any accessory goods not incorporated in it, and which is appropriate.
E) Airport: The Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport.

The purpose of this contract is to make available the facilities of the Park, for the periods of time agreed between the Customer and the Company, and observing the other conditions set forth in the following clauses.


This contract shall have the duration agreed upon in each case between the Client and the Company, without prejudice to the fact that this period may be extended or shortened by means of communication between the parties.

The following benefits will be assured to the Client:

a) Parking of the vehicle in the facilities of the Park, for the duration of this Contract.
b) The eventual collection and delivery of the customer’s vehicle at the airport, if specifically agreed between the customer and the company, at least 12 hours in advance, to be executed by the company’s employees, duly qualified for that purpose.
c) Transport of the client with a payment associated, his companions and luggage, from the park to the airport and vice versa, in company transportation.

  2) The attribution of the benefits conferred in the previous point presupposes that:

The client will give the key to the vehicle to the authorized representatives of the company, either when it is deposited in the park or when it is picked up at the airport, which will be parked at Europarking’s premises.
The company’s qualified employees may, at any time, move the vehicles so that they are parked in the right place.
Prior indication, made at the time of delivery of the vehicle, or by telephone communication, on-line or e-mail, made at a later time, indicating the date and time when the return of the customer will take place, with indication of the mode of direct delivery of the vehicle or free transport to the park.

In the absence of any of the previous procedures, foreseen in the previous point, the collection of the vehicle may also be made by communication to a duly identified employee of the company, present at the airport, or by telephone contact to the company. The client accepts that, in this case, the procedure for collecting the vehicle may suffer delays.c) The authorization to drive the vehicle on the public road, by company employees, in case the collection/delivery of the vehicle at the airport is requested and agreed, this authorization will be valid for the journey between the park and the airport. In exceptional cases it may also be moved on another route upon the knowledge and authorization of the client.


Car collection will depend on the Client’s prior request, in one of the following modalities:

The price to be paid by the client will be the one shown in the price list on the website and on the premises and will correspond to the number of days.

Customer undertakes to the company to:

a) To deliver the vehicle in full mechanical condition, in full working order and with all technical reviews and inspections, as well as with all legally required documentation, which adequately titrate the availability of the vehicle by the customer and its displacement by the employees of the company. The delivery will be made through the delivery of keys of the vehicle that allow access to it, the alarm control if it is autonomous and also any other control that allows the alarm to be deactivated in case of need.

To allow access to the interior of the vehicle and its driving by the company’s employees, under the terms and for the purposes of clause 4.2. Any other access to the vehicle is excluded, with the exception of any access to the vehicle that may be, at any time, ordered by entities with authority to do so.
Carry out the check-in and check-out procedures foreseen in clause 7.
Pay the price of the services object of this contract according to the price list at each moment in force.

To duly keep the card delivered by Europarking with the number associated to the client’s reservation which is given to him/her at the time of check-in at reception.


7.1) The delivery of the vehicle, either by immediate deposit in the park or by collection from the airport will observe the following:

a) The customer must deliver the vehicle without any goods that are not part of it.
b) The customer and the representative of the company, must check-in

a) The customer must deliver the vehicle without any goods that are not part of it.
b) The client and the representative of the company, shall make a check-in of the vehicle, in which a survey will be made to the interior and exterior of the vehicle, collecting photographic records of the same, in order to record the mileage, fuel level, damage, wear or defects existing at the date of delivery.

7.2) The collection of the vehicle by the client, will be preceded by a check-out of the vehicle, with a survey by the client and a representative of the company, in order to confirm the mileage of the vehicle, the absence of damage or any liability on the part of the company, being delivered by the client the credit card by the company assigned with the number associated with it, which if not delivered or has relative damage will be paid a value of 30 euros. Any claim that the Client wishes to make must be made at the company’s premises in the park. Any claim must be sent within 7 days at the date of receipt of the Car, under penalty of forfeiting the right to complain.

7.3) The photographs referring to the vehicles will be destroyed 7 days after the delivery of the same to the Customer.

7.4) It is presumed that the client authorizes the taking of photographs, exonerating the company of any responsibilities in case of refusal of the same. 


8.1) The company shall be liable to the customer for damages caused by its employees, strictly in the following cases:

a) Damage caused to the vehicle itself as a result of handling within the park for the purposes set out in clause 4.2.
b) Any damage suffered by the customer and his accompanying persons as a result of transport under the terms of Clause 4.1, provided that such damage is the result of an illicit act as a result of serious fault or intent on the part of the Company’s employee carrying out the duties of driver of the transport vehicle in question
c) Any other damage arising from an illicit act with intent or serious fault on the part of employees and representatives or agents of the company and whose liability cannot be excluded under clause 7.2.

8.2) The liability of the company is expressly excluded when it respects the 2.a) Damages suffered by the customer in connection with the theft of any goods left in the vehicle after its delivery, in disregard of the provisions of clause 7.1. 2.b) Any mechanical damage in the vehicle that is not caused by employees of the company. 


9.1) The client will be responsible for any fines, penalties or responsibilities that the company has to pay due to any irregularity in the vehicle, its documentation or its ownership. Without prejudice to the rights of defense that the company may have under the terms allowed by law, the client shall reimburse the company for all costs incurred, including legal costs with lawyers and solicitors.

9.2) In the event of non-payment by the client of the contracted price or any other expenses borne by the company, the client has the right to retain the car, which will be released as soon as the due amount is paid in full, which will include the price due due due due to the increase of days of parking the car plus interest.

9.3) You will be given a card associated with your reservation, which has a value of